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Foley, Vincent

Foley, Vincent
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Vincent Foley grew up in Rye and lived at 10 Valley View Avenue. Vincent Foley was born in 1932 to Father Eugene, born 1898, and Lillian, born 1901. Vincent's family was made up of 3 brothers: George, the oldest child born 1922, older brother Joseph, born 1926, and youngest Paul, born 1936. Vincent also had 2 sisters, older sister Julia born 1924, and younger sister Elizabeth, born 1933. Vincent in his youth attended Milton elementary school and was a member of the cub scouts and in 1941 he received a wolf badge at age 9. Vincent was married in an unknown year and between 1950 and 1951 he had his first daughter Maureen Foley and then between 1951 and 1952 his second daughter was born, Lorraine Foley. In 1969 he participated in the Rye High School donkey ball basketball game. During the Korean War, Vincent proudly served his country.

Vincent Mandracchia
RHS 2021
Street Address: 10 Valley View Avenue
Branch of Service: Branch of Service Unknown

Veteran Code: KOR-61

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Correcting inaccuracies in Vincent Foley’s bio August 24, 2023
Reviewer: Ginny from Panamaroff  
Vincent Foley’s older brother was named Eugene not George. There were no daughters named Maureen or Loraine because he never had children.  During those years stated he was in Walter Reed recovering from losing his arm in Korea. And I seriously doubt he played a donkey basketball game in 1969 at Rye high School as he was in Bethlehem Pa. Working as an archeologist recreating the town of Old Bethlehem. Oh and my mother, his sister Julia was born in 1923.  My uncles branch of service was the U.S. Army.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Correct information for Vincent Foley April 26, 2023
Reviewer: Virginia Panamaroff from [email protected]  
Vincent was my uncle. I am the daughter of his sister Julia. His older brother was Eugene not George and Vincent had no children. He received the Purple Heart as he lost him arm in Korea.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Bio for Vincent Foley, Korea January 19, 2023
Reviewer: Virginia Panamaroff from [email protected]  
Half of your info is incorrect. He was my uncle  and I can be contacted at 702-281-3033 to correct.

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